Sunday, November 27, 2011

My Sunday Morning - Race Day

Domenica, 27 Novembre, 2011
It was a beautifully crisp, clear morning today for the Firenze Marathon.

The starting line was only 2 blocks from the apartment, and since Italians are NOT morning people, there were 7 or 8 thousand runners but few spectators. The dog below seemed a bit bored by it all.

The Race Route

The route through the city was very scenic - naturally.

On the left - the Bapistry; on the right - The Duomo

Via Calzaiuoli, Firenze
I only had to go to my window to see everyone running by.

view from my apartment window

The finish line was at Piazza Santa Croce, and sure enough, two-plus hours later, the first runners were approaching the finish line – I saw them scoot by in front of the Duomo.
Piazza Santa Croce - the finish line: what's a Florentine event
without some period costumes and a marching band!

I couldn’t help but think of my work colleagues Janice and Kelley and our 5K Your Way event, which allows people to do the Toronto Marathons and fundraise for the PMH Foundation. Interestingly, all the charities associated with the Firenze Marathon were from the UK. Hummm…..Kelly – maybe there’s an opportunity here!