Thursday, August 30, 2012

Week 38 - Preparing to Return Home

Two statues on the Ponte Santa Trinita
Michael M. left Firenze on Wednesday July 18th, and so a new countdown began – 12 more days before I flew home for good.  While I knew this time would come, the reality of having to leave Firenze was firmly starting to sink in.  So much left to do!  So little time left to do it.
With good friends Matias in Sardegna for a 2-week vacation and Brandi long back in the US, and no other visitors scheduled to arrive, my new best friend became Kendra Gardner from Philadelphia. Kendra lived in the apartment below Brandi; was a practicing architect in Florence; was fluent in Italian after living there for five or so years; and was a tonne of fun to be around.  She was also a link to a large group of ex-pat women (mostly US) who had come to Firenze and found love. 
Kendra G at Giardini Monumentali di Palazzo Corsini
My first introduction to this group was at an outdoor production of Romeo and Juliet mounted on by a local English-speaking theatre group.  The show was in the gardens of the Palazzo Corsini (Giardini Monumentali di Palazzo Corsini) at sundown one hot Saturday evening in July, but beforehand, theatre goers were encouraged to have a picnic on the grass in front of the “stage” (which was really just a grassy knoll.)  Kendra and I brought enough food to feed an army, and when everyone had arrived, we pretty much took over one-quarter of the seating area.  The ex-pats with their Italian husbands were a great group of people, and I was sort of sad to meet them at the end of my stay.  But Kendra also had a birthday the following week, so we all met again at Borgo Antico in Piazza Santo Spirito for dinner on Friday July 27th. There were about 20 of us to fête Kendra and everyone, it seemed, was having a great time.  An interesting thing happens when ex-pats and their husbands get together: they separate by gender – boys at one end of the table, girls at the other. It was fascinating to watch – and I really didn’t know where to sit, so I sort of straddled the two solitudes.
As it turned out, Kendra’s birthday turned out to be my last social outing in Firenze, but there were lots of final moments to be had in my last days in Italy.

The summer sky at dusk - Firenze, July 2012