Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Luxe is both a noun, as in luxury or elegance, and an adjective, as in luxurious or deluxe.

Luxe is a simple dinner in my kitchen.
Luxe is a new wallet from the Prada outlet.
Luxe is waking up to this view from the villa.
Luxe is sharing my morning café/bar with the people I love.
Luxe is having time to sit and read.
Luxe is a roadside full of poppies.
Luxe is two nights at the Four Seasons Firenze
Luxe is having the Organic Lavander treatment
at the Four Seasons Spa. Actually, it was more than Luxe, it was BLISS!
Luxe is dinner at Cantina Barbagianni
Luxe is going to Bellagio